Adam Thiry
Senior Videographer
Adam's passion has always been film, so much so that he attended the University of Akron for Media Production. Because Adam was childhood friends with managing partner Mike, he was able to freelance for JAC for years until he officially joined the JAC Pack in 2018 as our Videographer (and JAC Creative's first official employee!). He's in charge of all things video related, from handling the equipment to storyboarding, directing, recording, and editing every video.
Not only is Adam knowledgeable about filming, but he also has an encyclopedic-knowledge about movies in general; he can name the year practically any movie came out. He is an especially big fan of the Muppets series and considers Gonzo the Great one of his mentors. In Adam’s free time you can of course find him watching movies, but he is also fond of hiking, listening to upbeat songs, and eating copious amounts of food. With his plethora of movie sayings (and song lyrics!) quoted on the daily, Adam is constantly making the office laugh.
LeBeef, Thiry
Office bev of choice
Good ol H2O and coffee with Biscoffs
Fave movie
Jurassic Park and The Social Network
Fun Fact
Adam once ate an 18in sandwich in 5 min (without trying to be fast)!
Common Quote
Any lyric from Jail Pt. 2 by Kanye West, or “Amazing, brother” from Family Ties by Baby Keem ft. Kendrick Lamar
Super Smash Bros Mains
Bowser, Banjo & Kazooie, Meta Knight, and “really any character that you can just do one move over and over again that will annoy everyone”